The Dunkin'-Alchemer Mobile Success Story

With Alchemer Mobile (formerly Apptentive), the Dunkin’ team is able to quickly create meaningful product changes, deploy important communication to customers, and consistently keep a pulse on customer sentiment. Through this approach, they’re able to improve app store ratings, make data-driven product decisions, perfect the mobile customer experience, and increase customer retention.


Food & Beverage

Business Size

631.4K Monthly Downloads


Quick-Service-Restaurant (QSR)


Product Roadmap, Customer Acquisition, Brand Reputation, Ratings & Reviews

Alchemer Mobile helped Dunkin':

20% survey response rate

2.0 to 4.5 increased star rating

74% of mobile customers respond "Yes" to Love Dialog


Dunkin’ has a unique need to satisfy both individual franchise and customer needs. Most of the time, this means it takes a bit longer to make product decisions because they have to find ways to keep both audiences happy. For example, what might be a simple update in the app might cause a range of challenges on the front line in terms of logistics.

When the Dunkin’ product team initially started soliciting feedback about their mobile app, they saw a deluge of requests for new features. However, they were unable to identify which features they should prioritize and keep on their product roadmap. They needed a way to simplify feedback collection and analysis so they could spend more time identifying priorities and making decisions.


As the slogan says, “America runs on Dunkin’.” It is critical that the Dunkin’ app helps speed up people’s lives and provides convenience to their customers rather than slowing them down or causing frustration. From Surveys to the Love Dialog®, Dunkin’ takes advantage of Alchemer Mobile’s full suite of solutions to foster customer love, understand sentiment, and drive retention. They’re able to quickly fix customer relationships if they have a bad experience because they consistently keep a finger on the pulse.

Dunkin’ uncovered quick wins with their customers through the use of surveys. With their robust menu, there are roughly 15,000 different combinations customers can create with their orders. With the use of Alchemer Mobile in-app mobile surveys, they identified that customers wanted the option to select if their donut had sprinkles or not. They also learned that people wanted the option to add more or less ice in their iced coffee. These simple requests were quickly implemented within the app and communicated to individual franchises. These are just two product decisions they made that helped move the needle on their app store reviews, increasing their rating from 2-stars to 4.5-stars.

Dunkin’ also utilizes Alchemer Mobile Notes to send out quick communication to mobile app customers. The team can easily send out an offer or promotion in less than a few minutes. They can even use it to communicate on a mass scale with customers. For example, the team quickly deployed a Note on National Coffee Day to provide clarification on their promotion and encourage customers to take advantage of the deal.

Alchemer Mobile (formerly Apptentive) helps us answer a lot of questions, but the one that I like the most is our overall sentiment after we release a new version. We get a quick read on how people are liking the app, the new updates, or if there are any issues.

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