Powerful New Ways to Report on Your Survey Data

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As many of our long-time customers know, Alchemer constantly collects feedback from our users. What you might not know is that we actually read every single piece of input that we get, and we use it to guide our product development.

Over the past year we’ve heard one thing loud and clear: our customers were looking for more powerful ways to investigate and report on their survey data.

We took that feedback to heart.

As a result we’ve just rolled out brand new reporting capabilities to all Alchemer customers, which we hope will provide you with new ways to analyze, report on, and share your survey data.

Here’s what you can find in our new and improved reporting and how to make the best use of these new options.

Real-Time Responses and Easier Overviews

There’s no longer a need to manually rerun your report when new survey responses come in; our new reporting suite automatically incorporates incoming responses into the report display.

(You should also see a big improvement in the speed of your reports, thanks to completely reworked backend technology.)

When you log in you’ll find it’s easier for you to get an overview of your survey results in our streamlined reporting dashboard:

streamlined reporting dashboard in surveygizmo

Here you can display your standard report, or the latest report that you created.

Share Your Survey Results With the World

When you create a great survey and collect revelatory data, you naturally want to show it off. With our new sharing options you can shout your results from the rooftop, keep it within your account, or anything in between.

options for sharing reports

You can choose to make your results available to search engines, meaning anybody with a browser could see and marvel at your survey prowess.

If you’re not eager to spread the word quite so far you can limit access to those with the exact URL (no organic search traffic), protect your results with a password, or restrict the report exclusively to Alchemer users on your account.

With also made it easier for people to share results outside of Alchemer, adding social sharing capabilities to go with our existing options for downloading to other software.

Is your boss only interested in recent responses? You can include the ability for report viewers to filter by date, let people share the results on social media with social sharing buttons, and email the report automatically

With all these new sharing options we haven’t neglected the need for privacy and security.

Personally identifying information, such as names or contact details, won’t ever be shared in public reports. These fields will only display if you have the report password protected.

Additionally, accounts that are collecting any personal health information won’t be able to use public sharing options. Only those with the password or users in the Alchemer account that collects the data will be able to access their reports.

Slice and Dice Results With New Segments and Filters

Segmenting and filtering your survey results aren’t necessarily new features, but they are now more powerful AND easier to set up.

First of all, you can gain insight into emerging patterns in your data by filtering results based on survey status, question answers, or response IDs.

new ways to filter survey reports

Second, we’ve upgraded our segmentation functionality as well. This includes a complete revamp of segment creation and rendering as well as a fix for some outstanding bugs.

You can create segments six ways. They can be based on:

  1. Question answers
  2. Response status
  3. Response IDs
  4. Response date
  5. Survey link
  6. Or you can create your own advanced segment

(It’s also very simple to toggle these filters and segments on and off within your reports.)

Please visit our detailed documentation to learn more about creating filter or segments on your survey data.

Displaying Survey Results With Style

We’ve given you even more control over how to show off your amazing results with improved report styles, pre-built reporting themes, and improved customization options.

styling your survey report in surveygizmo

When creating a report you can now insert different elements inline and move them around to create a layout that best conveys your data’s message. Provide text or media to give context to your results, and arrange questions in the most compelling order.

You also have the added option of including summary elements wherever they make the most impact in your report. Add elements like maps, response timelines and counts, and device types to give background on how your survey went.

Finally, bring your survey reports inline with the rest of your brand with a huge array of styling and design options.

Pick your own colors or use a pre-built theme. Override global report options to get exactly the visuals you want for each question. Even customize the way question numbers appear (or don’t) within your reports.

Want to Learn More?

Our documentation team has been hard at work creating step-by-step walk throughs of all these new features, which you can find in our help site.

You can also join our world-class training team as they preview our new reporting in this recorded webinar.

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A dashboard with sections Build, Style, Test, Share, Results, and Tools. It shows test project details, including estimated length of 11 minutes, fatigue score, and accessibility. Buttons offer options to generate test data and invite others.
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