How Male and Female Survey Respondents are Different

January 19, 2011

Male and female brains are dramatically different anatomically, chemically, hormonally, and physiologically.

Experts have discovered that there are actual differences in the way men’s and women’s brains are structured, genetically affecting the way they react to events and stimuli. Masters of Healthcare’s 10 Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains illustrates some of the variants which cause fundamentally diverse ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

When it comes to analyzing your survey results, responses based on gender can have a significant impact on your data.

Survey Respondents Reveal Gender-Based Driving Differences

A recent TeleNav Driving Behavior survey suggests both genders have similar views on abiding by and breaking the rules of the road but have very different perceptions on which gender rules the road.

When asked which gender is the better driver, 40% of male survey respondents indicated they think males are the better drivers with 2% indicating females are the better drivers and 58% thought that gender plays no role in driving ability.

Female survey respondents had a very different opinion: 4% of women indicated males are the better drivers with 7% of female survey respondents indicating that women are better drivers and 90% of females thought that gender plays no role in driving ability

Distinctions in Male and Female Attorneys

A study by The New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Women in the Courts, shows 54% of survey respondents indicated that attorneys are treated about the same, regardless of their gender.

Perceptions differ among survey respondents when they are compared by gender: The percentage of male survey respondents who perceive that attorneys are treated the same was 80%, almost double the perceptions of 43% of the female survey respondents

How The Gender of Survey Respondents Impacts Survey Results

When compared, survey responses from men and women do vary and will affect your data accordingly. Alchemer’s Survey Report Filtering Tool lets you filter certain responses from being displayed in reports, allowing new levels of survey data segmentation to help you gather the insights you need.

Using the filter tool when analyzing your data is an easy way to segment your survey results in order to outline the similarities and differences between the two similar, but fundamentally different, markets.

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