Introducing Alchemer Digital 6.5!

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Alchemer Digital 6.5 brings feature parity to Android, iOS, and Web

By Cathy Yang, Senior Product Manager at Alchemer, and Jasper Lipton, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Alchemer 

Today, we’re excited to introduce Alchemer Digital 6.5!

This update brings our Mobile and Web products under a single banner, delivers the most-requested improvements from our customers, and adds even more capability for digital experience leaders.

Digital 6.5 introduces the Alchemer Digital API for Mobile and Web, and brings feature parity to iOS, Android, and web applications. Now, you can develop and push app updates across every channel simultaneously — and from now on, updates will be released across all digital products in unison.

Here’s all the power you’ll unlock when you update to Alchemer Digital 6.5.

Efficiently scale your app development with the Alchemer Digital API 

With the Alchemer Digital API for both Mobile and Web, you can seamlessly integrate real-time metrics and raw data into your reporting and business intelligence tools, connect data to your most important business systems, and safely share insights across your org. API key generation and management is simple and secure, and permission controls protect sensitive information from authorized users.  

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Tailor digital surveys with skip logic  

We’ve added skip logic to mobile and web surveys. Now, you can add conditional questions that streamline survey taking and improve your data quality. For example, you can:  

  • Customize the survey paths your customers will see based on their attributes 
  • Screen respondents to avoid over-surveying uninterested or irrelevant customers  
  • Route respondents to customized questions and answers based on their previous responses 

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Sign in to Alchemer faster and more securely via single sign-on (SSO) 

Now, you can keep your accounts protected and enhance security with SSO, which can be configured for Alchemer users upon setup. Alchemer Mobile users can sign into their account with the identity management systems they already use. 

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Easily maintain message center privacy between multiple users on the same device   

Put your user privacy concerns to rest—Alchemer Digital 6.5 automatically distinguishes between multiple mobile users on the same device and ensure they see the correct messages in your message center, just as you could in previous versions of our SDK.

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Manage and navigate custom data more easily   

Now, when you bring custom data into Alchemer, you can hide any unnecessary person and device data, so it’s easier to find the data that matters. 

When you import custom data, you can easily select which customer and device attributes to display, for easier navigation when sharing data and more granular control over audience targeting. 

For example, if you have a shopping app and know a customer’s rewards club membership, you could send that status to Alchemer Mobile as Custom Data. Then, you could target a Note or a Survey only to customers with a specific rewards club status.  

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Improve customer data privacy with bulk data deletion 

With the Alchemer Digital API, you can easily access and delete customer data in bulk for easier compliance with data compliance regulations. 

To view the list of available endpoints or to test an endpoint, visit the Alchemer Mobile API technical documentation. 

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Upgrade to Alchemer Digital 6.5 Today 

Ready to experience all the new features? All these updates are currently available in the latest versions of the Mobile and Web SDKs and Dashboard. Alchemer Digital customers can update to 6.5 here — or reach out to your Customer Service Manager for help. 

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