Alchemer Mobile Executive Reports

Uncover Actionable Insights from Your In-App Customer Feedback

Alchemer Mobile Executive Reports unlock the value of free-form customer feedback comments by applying custom built natural language processing tools to identify important patterns and highlight key recommendations. This professional, managed service from the Alchemer Mobile Customer Success and Data Analytics teams helps you sift through tens of thousands of data points to reveal and identify next best actions to improve customer experience and your bottom line.

Tailored Reports that Dive Deep into Feedback

Alchemer Mobile Executive Reports help you dive deeper into customer feedback and survey results, through data analysis services tailored to your requirements. We help you uncover important factors affecting segments of your customer base, impacting mobile app quality, or jeopardizing your customer adoption and retention.

Mobile Executive Reports are offered for an annual fee, delivered by the professionals on Alchemer Mobile Customer Success and Data Analytics teams. Reports are delivered four (4) times per year and tailored for your needs.

A group of people discussing charts and graphs displayed on a laptop and papers spread across a table. One person is pointing at the laptop screen. A pair of glasses, pens, and a tablet are also visible.

Who is it For?

Alchemer Mobile Executive Reporting is designed for teams needing to:

  • Turn mobile customer feedback into executive-ready analysis.
  • Uncover actionable insights.
  • Uncover voice-of-the-customer trends and next best actions.

The Alchemer Mobile Executive Reports process gathers your requirements and tailors the analysis to your needs.


After discerning hidden details and relevance from the data, our initial report draft provides the information and trends uncovered, along with our advice for next steps and leading practices. We get your feedback and then conduct analysis on the areas of interest you identify in the review session.

Data Analysis

Our team of Data Analysts applies their expertise to clean and analyze the data, perform regression and multivariate analysis, and benchmark against industry statistics to unearth important nuggets from the raw feedback.


Our design team produces a 25+ page, turnkey report that is presentation-ready for your executives. Delivered four times a year, you’ll be the new team hero thanks to the quality insights and recommendations revealed.

A variety of customization options are available based on your product, marketing, or business goals. You can select from these analysis options:

Feedback Categorization

Free-form text responses categorized into granular buckets around app features, providing a deeper understanding of which capabilities customers talk about most frequently.

Trend Analysis

A chronological view of the shifts in customer feedback and volume trends, for each feedback category.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment categorization from free-form text responses highlight classifications such as technical difficulties, app functionality, rewards programs, and so on—stack ranked by volume.

Competitive Analysis

Benchmark phrases for all competitors in your app category or vertical, including the topics trending industry-wide, and a comparative analysis of significant phrases.

Cohort Analysis

In-depth insights segmented by different customer groups — based on your custom data fields, highlighting the most significant phrases.

Talk to your Alchemer Customer Success Manager or call 1-800-609-6480 to learn more about Alchemer Mobile Executive Reports. They will help tailor the right package for you.

Onboarding Services

Custom-designed programs to help you achieve your mission

Professional Services

Specialists ready to custom-fit Alchemer to your business

Business Labs

Guided workshops custom-fit to your business

Basic Training

Live virtual training customized to your company’s needs

Panel Services

Our full-service team will help you find the audience you need

Alchemer University

In-product training to deliver learning when and where you need it